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The Sound Kitchen

The pope and Argentina's dirty war

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Are you one of this week’s lucky winners? Are you ready to try your luck on today’s quiz question? Click on that little “Listen” arrow above, and join in!

David Franklin/Getty Images/A Terrade

Hello everyone!

Welcome to The Sound Kitchen. You can catch the programme on-the-air every Saturday, at 4:52, 6:22, and 7:52 universal time. You’ll hear the winner’s names announced and the week’s quiz question, along with all the other ingredients you have grown accustomed to: your letters and essays, “On This Day”, quirky facts and news, interviews, and great music … so be sure you tune in every Saturday.

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Did you know there is such a thing as official RFI Clubs? Up until now, they have always been French clubs, but now we want to open them up to all our listeners … let’s show the French how involved in RFI the rest of the world is! You can either transform your existing radio club into an RFI Club, or create a brand new one. Then, anytime you plan special events – be they humanitarian, cultural, or sports-oriented; if you want to host an environmental program, or a day dedicated to health issues - RFI will help you with ideas and free promotional items for your members. If you are interested in either changing your radio club into an RFI club, or if you would like to create a brand-new RFI club, the first step is to read the RFI Club Charter:

If you are willing to abide by the Charter, write to my colleagues in the Listener Relations Department and let them know. They’ll help you with the rest of the process.

Sébastien Bonijol

Chrystelle Nammour

RFI – Relations Auditeurs

80, rue Camille Desmoulins
92130, Issy-les-Moulineaux

Which leads me to another item of interest: the RFI Listeners Club. Our Listener Relations department has decided that everyone can belong to the RFI Listeners Club, but you will only be issued a membership number, not an identity card. Only members of an official RFI Club will have identity cards. As an RFI Listeners Club member, you will still win a premium prize if you win a Sound Kitchen quiz. So no reason not to join – although having an official RFI Club is really far cooler.

If you only want to be a member of the general RFI Listeners Club – that’s great, too! Just send me (or Sébastien and Chrystelle) your full name, your postal mailing address, and if you have one, your e-mail address. You’ll receive an RFI Listeners Club number; include that number every time you enter a quiz, and if you are a winner, you’ll get a premium prize!

Nota bene: The RFI Listeners Club used to be called “Club 9516”. So if you are a member of the “Club 9516”, you are already a member of the RFI Listeners Club. Your “Club 9516” membership number still works – no need to reapply. Just include your membership number on your quiz entries.

Look at that beautiful link to the Sound Kitchen Listeners Cookbook! I’m very happy about it, and I hope you enjoy looking at it – and trying out some recipes. Please feel free to send in any comments you have, and we would love it if you’d send in photos – both of you, and of your completed dish. Don’t hesitate to use the “zoom” tool on countries where there are a lot of forks; that will separate them so you can read the titles easier. Click on the title, and the recipe will appear.

Today’s question was read on 23 March. The Roman Catholic church had just named a new pope, Agentine Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio. Cardinal Bergoglio is now known as Pope Francis and has been widely praised for his simple life-style.

But it wasn’t all happiness and light: there were some critical voices. Pope Francis was head of the Jesuits in Argentina during the military dictatorship’s "dirty war" in the 1970s. The Argentinian Catholic Church has been criticised for remaining rather silent through it all and, in a couple of cases, it has been proved that clergy members were actually in league with the military dictatorship.

In 2005 a criminal complaint was filed against Bergoglio/Pope Francis. I asked you to write in and tell me what those charges were.

The answer is: Bergoglio was accused of conspiring with the military junta in 1976 to kidnap two Jesuit priests. There has never been any hard evidence linking Bergoglio to this crime: all that is known is that Bergoglio had dismissed the priests from the Jesuit order due to their anti-government views, which he considered dangerously unorthodox, and a week later the two disappeared. They were discovered months later on the outskirts of Buenos Aires, drugged and partially undressed.

The lawsuit against Bergoglio was eventually dismissed.

The winners this week are: Natangwe Endjala from Windhoek, Namibia; Samanya Miriam from Iganga, Uganda; Ian Morrison from Beijing, China; Mr Muhammad Aslam Khokhar from Lahore, Pakistan, and Tutul Khan from Naogaon, Bangladesh.

Congratulations winners!

This week’s question requires a bit of effort on your part … I want you to write in and tell me what journey you dream of making in your life and why. Where have you always longed to go? What is it about that place that makes you want to go there?

 Send in your answer by 3 June, and be sure and tune in on 8 June to see if you are one of the lucky winners! As always, be sure you send your postal address in with your answer … and, if you have one, your RFI Listeners Club membership number.


Send your answers to:


Susan Owensby
RFI – The Sound Kitchen
BP 9516
75016 Paris


By SMS … You can also send your quiz answers to The Sound Kitchen cell phone !!!!

Dial your country’s international access code, or “ + ”, then 33 6 31 12 96 82. Don’t forget to include your mailing address in your text – and if you have one, your RFI Listeners Club membership number.

Remember, it’s not just the quiz which wins you a prize. If your essay goes on the air, you’ll find a package in the mail from the Sound Kitchen. Write in about your community heroes – the people in your community who are quietly working to make the world a better place, in whatever way they can. I am still looking for your “This I Believe” essays, too. Tell us about the principles that guide your life … what you have found to be true from your very own personal experience. Or write in with your most memorable moment, and/or your proudest achievement. If your essay is chosen to go on-the-air – read by you – you’ll win an RFI radio!

Send your mini book reviews, your musical requests, your secret “guilty” pleasure (mine’s chocolate!), your tricks for remembering things, your favourite quotations and proverbs, descriptions of the local festivals you participate in, your weirdest dream, or just your general all-around thoughts to:

Include a phone number, so I can call you.

I look forward to hearing from you soon!

All the best,


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