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France - Syria - Iraq

Hollande, Valls condemn ‘barbaric’ IS killing of Kassig, Syrian soldiers

The murder of US hostage Peter Kassig and about 18 Syrian soldiers by the Islamic State (IS) armed group was a “crime against humanity”, French President François Hollande said on Sunday. Prime Minister Manuel Valls said it was a “barbaric act”.

Peter Kassig, who is believed to have been murdered by the Islamic State armed group
Peter Kassig, who is believed to have been murdered by the Islamic State armed group DR

IS on Sunday released a video purporting to show the beheading of Kassig, a 26-year-old Iraqi war veteran and Muslim convert who worked for an NGO in Syria, and a number of

Syrian soldiers, which is currently being examined by intelligence officials.

In New Caledonia, where he has gone after the G20 summit in Australia, Hollande condemned the killings.

“These are crimes against humanity,” he said. “These are barbaric acts and that is why France cannot remain indifferent.”

Valls said he “condemns this new barbaric act”, in a statement. “This deed strengthens France’s determination to cat against Daesh [IS] in Iraq and Syria.”

France is carrying out air strikes against IS in Iraq but not in Syria, where strikes are carried out by the US.

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