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France's far right Marine Le Pen 'absolutely does not' recognise Biden's US win

French far right leader Marine Le Pen says she “absolutely does not" recognise Joe Biden's US presidential election victory – arguing that “justice must be allowed to decide” the outcome of last week's polls, in which Biden won 290 electoral colleges as well as the popular vote.

Leader of the far right National Rally Marine Le Pen speaks to the press at the Henin Beaumont war memorial on November 11, 2020.
Leader of the far right National Rally Marine Le Pen speaks to the press at the Henin Beaumont war memorial on November 11, 2020. AFP - FRANCOIS LO PRESTI

"I'm among those who will not congratulate the future president of the United States, because I don't consider the game to be over until we've gone into overtime,” the leader of the National Rally political party said on Wednesday.

While many world leaders were quick to congratulate Biden when the results of the US presidential election were announced on Saturday, others – including the presidents of Russian, China and Brazil – have remained conspicuously silent as Trump continues to allege the vote was rigged.

Le Pen, who was among the first to congratulate Donald Trump in his election win in 2016, was speaking to journalists on the sidelines of a Remembrance Day ceremony in the northern commune of Hénin-Beaumont, in her constituency of Pas-de-Calais.

"I am rather astonished to see the media … rush to announce a result when we know that there are appeals currently being studied by the justice system,” she said Wednesday.

As well as levelling baseless claims of fraud, Trump is seeking an emergency injunction in the state of Pennsylvania to prevent Biden's victory being certified there.

Social media platforms have been tagging warning labels on posts by Trump that seek to undermine the validity of the vote.

Biden and Vice President-Elect Kamala Harris will be sworn into office on 20 January in an outdoor ceremony at the US Capitol building in Washington DC.

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